Tag Archives: Camlin

Paper Accepted at SMC2020

Finally a good news in these difficult times!
I’m proud to announce that our paper “ROS-Neuro Integration of Deep Convolutional Autoencoders for EEG Signal Compression in Real-time BCIs” has been accepted at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. I thank my co-authors for their work and support.

In the paper, we use a convolutional autoencoder to compress EEG signals, and deploy the trained model inside a ROS-Neuro node, in order to allow for an efficient real-time processing of the input data. This can be a first step towards many interesting BCI applications, such as the remote control of machine, with only the power of tought! So cool!

Update: the paper is now avaialable on the arXiv here: arXiv:2008.13485

Internship at Camlin Ltd.

In the next few months I will be working as an intern at Camlin Italy, based in Parma. I will apply Machine Learning techniques to Brain Computer Interfaces.
I’m excited to start this new adventure, let’s see what the future will bring!