
Contribution to the WindFlow library, designed to perform parallel stream processing on shared-memory systems. This is a project of the Parallel Programming Models (PPMs) group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Italy. My contribution mainly consists in the implementation of a benchmark composed by four real-time streaming applications in the fields of fraud detection, Internet of Things, vehicular traffic monitoring and word frequency analysis.



Contribution to the Nethuns library, which provides a unified API for fast and portable network programming on multi-core end-host machines. Nethuns is written in C, and allows network programmers to access and manage low-level network operations over different underlying network sockets and operating systems. This is a project of Larthia and the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy. My contribution mainly consists in the implementation of the part related to AF_XDP and eBPF, as well as the implementation of some test applications (written in C++) for packet transmission and packet capture.
