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Currently working on:

  • Correlation between road texture and rolling noise: a statistical approach based on multivariate analysis and pca techinques
  • Implementation of a tyre envelopment model solving the Green function of the system based on the solution of Fredholm integral equations. Study of other algorithms for calculating tyre envelopment: Von Meier, Goubert and FEM simulations.
  • Young modulus, stiffness and density of rail pads and mats.
  • Simulations of the behaviour of sonic crystals.

Journal Papers:

    • Del Pizzo, A., Teti, L., Moro, A., Bianco, F., & Licitra, G. (2019). Modelling tyre road noise on rubberized road surfaces. Manuscript accepted for pubblication on Applied Acoustics.
    • Fredianelli, L., Del Pizzo, A., & Licitra, G. (2019). Recent developments in sonic crystals as barriers for road traffic noise mitigation. Environments, 6(2), 14.



  • Del Pizzo, A., Bianco, F., Teti, L., Moro, A., Licitra, G. (2018). Sviluppo di un profilometro laser per misure di tessitura stradale e studio della correlazione tra tessitura e rumore da rotolamento. Rivista Italiana di Acustica V. 42 N. 1-2 pp. 1-16 – Premio Giacomini 2018.

Conference papers:

  • Licitra, G., Moro, A., Teti, L., Del Pizzo, A., & Bianco, F. (2019). A New Approach Using Big Data to Improve Road Traffic Noise Mapping. In Proc. ICA 2019, Aachen, Germany, 9-13 September 2019.
  • Del Pizzo, A., de Leon, G., Teti, L., Bianco F., Moro, A., Fredianelli, F., & Licitra, G. (2019). Experimental Modelling of Tyre/Road Noise from Road Texture Spectra on Rubberized Road Surfaces. In Proc. ICA 2019, Aachen, Germany, 9-13 Septmber 2019.
  • Del Pizzo, A., Bianco, F., Teti, L., Moro, A., & Licitra, G. (2018). A new approach for the evaluation of the relationship between road texture and rolling noise. In Proc. ICSV 25, Hiroshima, Japan, 8-12 July 2018.
  • Del Pizzo, A., Bianco, F., Teti, L., Moro, A., & Licitra, G. (2018). Analisi spettrale di tessitura e rumore da rotolamento a bassa emissione. In Atti del 45° Convegno nazionale AIA, Aosta, Italy 20-22 June 2018.
  • Cerchiai, M., Del Pizzo, A., Licitra, G., & Losa, M. (2012). Studio della propagazione di vibrazioni su pavimentazioni a bassa emissione acustica. In Atti del 39° Convegno nazionale AIA, Rome, Italy, 4-6 July, 2012.